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Best Priced dealer award

Audi Exclusive Inlays

Audi exclusive woods and inlays. Designed by nature.

Every tree is unique – just like the inlay it creates. Almost no other material can lend as much atmosphere as wood. When you run your fingers over a fine-pored inlay, you immediately sense the exclusivity and premium quality – and above all the time and effort needed to create an object of such beauty.

As a matter of principle, Audi does not use any tropical wood, even if it was grown on a plantation. Instead, selected woods are used that perfectly underline the particular character of the vehicle. The range extends from classic oak to fascinating varieties such as fine grain myrtle.

More exclusivity

The benefit to you: more exclusivity and a huge choice. In addition to the various types of wood, a range of special colours and grains are available. The interior is transformed into a uniquely relaxing place with a distinct feel-good factor.

Tangible perfection

An example of one such grain is the open-pored Tamo ash natural dark brown. It grows in Japan and Russia and features a fascinating wave pattern that is also retained in the inlay. The wood structure can be seen and felt.*

Crafted with precision

The thin sheets of veneer for the inlays are peeled from trunks and so-called root burls. A veneer trim set for a car generally comes from just one burl or one trunk to ensure that the individual parts resemble one another.

Fascinating design

Every Audi has its own character – and the inlays underline this. For example, you can make a personal statement with the new aluminium/Beaufort wood black, which consists of fine veneers and aluminium strips.*

* Please note that this inlay is not available for every model.